
Understand the demand from both an inpatient and outpatient point-of-view.

Healthcare Apps

Demographics App

Single-use report which provides demographic information around a 1,3,5-mile radius or any radii/drivetime of the user’s choosing. The app utilizes 2010 Census data.
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Customer Profile with Data

Gain extensive demographic and psychographic knowledge about your customers. Develop a customer profile based on your customer data. Answer the question of “Who is my customer?”
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Customer Profile without Data

Develop a customer profile based on the dominant households in the selected geography even without customer data. Answer the question of “What type of customer I should be targeting?”
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Traffic App

Learn the traffic impact of your trade area(s) through visualization and analysis. The app utilizes Inrix AADT data.
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Mobility App

Quantify the number of individuals that are traveling to and from your trade area(s) with mobile data. The app uses Inrix mobile data which has access to 1billion+ daily mobile data points which equates to 7.7 billion annual trips.
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Custom App

Don’t see an app here that meets your business needs? We can build you a customized app. Schedule a call with one of our sales representatives to learn more.
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